pirates pirates pirates!

As all of you are no doubt aware, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 comes out today/has come out today. And this is a very exciting event. I am going to see it tonight, dressed as a pirate. In preparation for this I have spent the whole day in the library, dressed as a pirate. Luckily my pirate costume is not too outstandingly piratical, but I did feel that I attracted some funny looks on the way in to uni. Maybe I am just being paranoid/self-centred. But my pirate costume is fabulous :p

Anyway, that is very exciting and merits a post in itself. The rest of my day has also been exciting, if less so, and slightly less than ideally productive. I feel like I have been moving along on my thesis slowly but steadily until about a week ago, at which point my working practice broke down almost completely and I spent far too much time watching Rage. Now I am working on essays.
My major distraction today came from the books on level 9, the story of which I started last blog post but left unfinished. When on Monday I went to look at them a passing fellow book-looker-at-or informed me that they were free for postgraduates only, so I became anxious, perused them thoroughly and left them alone. Today I discovered that not only are they free for all (note that well dear reader, and feel free to liberate books and save them from certain pulping, but pass by lending services on level 3 first to get them de-sensitised) but also one of the books I marked out in my perusal was recommended to me as pre-reading for an essay! I was there in a flash, and on my way ran into my friend Theo, informed him of the free books, and we continued to level 9 together. So now I am the proud owner of: A Manual of the Writings in Middle English Volume 1: Romances, Arthurian Literature and Society and Eugenio Montale: Selected Poems (translated from Italian to English). The last was recommended by Theo, and as he is currently doing a PhD on Italian poetry I guess he should know. There are alot of good-looking books there, surprisingly as they have been giving them away for 6 months, on most subjects. Alot on DH Lawrence, Thomas Hardy and Chaucer (from the English literature section) but also books on law, economics, education, and probably alot of other subjects that I wasn't bothered looking at. You might even find course text books.

During my search I found I was looking for some quite specific things, which they didn't actually have, and which led to me making up a list in my mind of Books I Want, which I thought was handy. I may go sometime and hunt them down with the aid of my trusty book vouchers. They are:
- Klaeber's edition of Beowulf
- A collection of poetry by WH Auden
- Collections of Folk and Fairy Tales (reminds me that I wanted that Annotated Brothers Grimm)
Actually I should use some of those books vouchers soon, so any book recommendations are welcome. (Thesis, what thesis?)


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