where's cat?

Spot me in this photo!

Taken at a free Powderfinger gig in Martin Place. What an awesome way to spend a lunch break! Made me smile after a long week...


  1. I found you! 1/4 down the photo, 1/5 across from the left.
    Do I get a prize??

  2. I see you! In the back, on the left, sort of next to a woman in black! Was the concert good?

  3. Good work! :)

    Pun: Prizes... High tea? I had a sudden craving on the weekend.. But that's really more of a prize for me hey :)

    Ronni: Yeah concert was good, it was acoustic and they mainly played new songs to promote their new album but the songs were pretty good and they did do 'My Happiness' which was good :) Would like to see them properly in concert now.

  4. I'm up for it, when when?

  5. I see you! You are the only one looking directly at the camera, so you are the easiest to find.

  6. When are you free for high tea? Any other correct guessers are welcome to join, but I'm not going to pay for you all... :)


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