reading block

I finished up the semester of uni a couple of weeks ago, and, as is often the way, completely lost motivation for everything else. I was getting so excited about reading books that are harder going when uni's on, I borrowed two non-fiction books from the library (one on Old English literature and society, and one on fairytales) and I haven't opened them. Instead I have been reading fashion  blogs, considering starting a fashion blog, my last blog post was about food, I even painted a picture the other night, despite my lack of anything resembling artistic talent. By contrast, while uni was on and I was getting more and more stressed and feeling so short on time, I read like crazy, found myself enjoying books more than I have for a while- you know, when you read late into the night and don't want to put the book down. Don't ask me why this is, all I can think is that it's a break, a time for something different.

Speaking of fashion blogs, here are a couple that are a little different, if you feel like reading about clothes. Leila Audrey is my friend Bec's blog. She works in a museum and has an interesting perspective on fashion and history. Marieke Hardy has been promoting her friend's blog Dress, Memory on twitter, it's a personal history in clothes- more memoir than anything.

Other than that, I am spending my uni holidays on work placement in Fisher library, which has been pretty great so far. I'm based in the Uni press, so it's kind of a mix of librarianship and publishing. But of course, all about books! (and yes, all the other materials the library has to offer). I'm planning on doing a half-yearly post on my reading around the world challenge soon, I'm currently looking for a book from South America- preferably by an author I haven't read before (because this challenge is all about reading new things!). Hopefully will find some inspiring reading to write about soon, in any case I am enjoying my holiday!


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